
vinayak katkar

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Excalibur Solution

Excalibur Solution specializes in air conditioning, appliance repair, and maintenance services. Our team of experienced technicians and service staff are available 24/7 to help you with all of your air conditioning and appliance repair needs. We pride ourselves on providing quality services at an affordable price. We are committed to ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction. We have the experience, tools, and knowledge to provide outstanding service for all of your air conditioning and appliance repair needs. We strive to provide our customers with the best possible service and satisfaction.

                                                                                                                         ♣ ♣ ♣


  • + Deep clean Ac (Service Windo)

    ₹498.00 /item

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New

    Frequently asked questions

    Will the Professional bring the toos Needed  for  Service?

    yes all the toos Requird  during the Process  will be brought in by the professional

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

     What is  During  the Servicing theProfessional finds out an Ishue in Ac ?

     In  Such cases.the Professional will Help you to book a Spair Parts  Ac Repair Service or will add it your exisiting Booking.

    Will the Professional chek Ac After Service?

    yes theProfessional will be chek for the Gas Leaks and Pressure cheak before Satarting  Service and for cooling and pipe leakes after Setrvice

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service or My Ac gets dameged During Process ?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   


  • + Deep Clean (Ac Service Split)

    ₹598.00 /item

    Deep Clean (Ac Service Split)

    Item total=649₹ 

              Item Discount = -₹100             

      Taxes and Fee  ₹49

     Grand Total  ₹598

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New

    Frequently asked questions

    Will the Professional bring the toos Needed  for  Service?

    yes all the toos Requird  during the Process  will be brought in by the professional

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

     What is  During  the Servicing theProfessional finds out an Ishue in Ac ?

     In  Such cases.the Professional will Help you to book a Spair Parts  Ac Repair Service or will add it your exisiting Booking.

    Will the Professional chek Ac After Service?

    yes theProfessional will be chek for the Gas Leaks and Pressure cheak before Satarting  Service and for cooling and pipe leakes after Setrvice

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service or My Ac gets dameged During Process ?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   


  • + Ac Repair (Less/ No cooling)

    ₹299.00 /item

    Ac  is not reaching desired temprature in  30-45 mins

  • + Ac Repair( power On Issue)

    ₹299.00 /item

    Ac  Not Geting Switched on DIsplay/ Remote Ishue

  • + Ac Repair( Unwanted noise/ Smell)

    ₹299.00 /item

               Disturbing  Noise  Foul/Suffocating Smell Wen The Ac is Swithed ON

  • + Ac Repair( Water Leakage )

    ₹299.00 /item

    Water Dripping from the unit, pipes and Outdoor Unit

  • + Split Ac ( install)

    ₹1588.00 /item

    Split Ac Installetion

    Item Total =1499

                                                         Tax and free =89

                                                         Grand total= 1588

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New


    Χ copper Wire & pipes Chaged As per Rate Card

    Χ Staderd & fastener ( for The fixing Stand) Masony/wood work  

    Χ Pope filling.

    Frequently asked questions

    Are consumables in the booking cost ?

    NO any consumables a part from the drill is to be provided by customers our Professional can procure the requid items for the additionl  cost (as per rate Card) withch will Reflect in  Your Invoice 

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

                How do  i cheak if  the Installation is done Properlly ?

     our Professional will be perfome  all the Necessary pressure/gas cheks after the service and get  them  coross -cheked by the Customer They will also Get  placement /alignment and cooling cheak with the customer

    Can the Professiona provide service other than bookd ones?

    you can  ask the Professional  to inspect and do other service our Professional will be help you booka  separate Ac Service or will wiil add it to your exisiting booking

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   

  • + Windo Ac (Installattion)

    ₹868.00 /item

             Windo Ac (Installattion)               

    Item Total = 799

    Tax=    69

    Grand Total= 868


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New


    Χ copper Wire & pipes Chaged As per Rate Card

    Χ Staderd & fastener ( for The fixing Stand) Masony/wood work  

    Χ Pope filling.

    Frequently asked questions

    Are consumables in the booking cost ?

    NO any consumables a part from the drill is to be provided by customers our Professional can procure the requid items for the additionl  cost (as per rate Card) withch will Reflect in  Your Invoice 

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

                How do  i cheak if  the Installation is done Properlly ?

     our Professional will be perfome  all the Necessary pressure/gas cheks after the service and get  them  coross -cheked by the Customer They will also Get  placement /alignment and cooling cheak with the customer

    Can the Professiona provide service other than bookd ones?

    you can  ask the Professional  to inspect and do other service our Professional will be help you booka  separate Ac Service or will wiil add it to your exisiting booking

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   

  • + Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

    ₹448.00 /item

    Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

     payment Summary 

      Item Total 399

       Tax & fee = 49

        Grand Total-= 498

  • + Split Ac (Un- Installation)

    ₹698.00 /item

    Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

     payment Summary 

      Item Total 649

       Tax & fee = 49

        Grand Total-= 698

  • + Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave (Eletrical Issue / Not Working )

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair (Not Working )

    Click here  https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave Repair (Not Shure of Isuue)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave Repair ( Not Heating )

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair ( Not Heating )

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + microwave repair ( Buttun Not Working)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair ( Buttun Not Working)

    Click here  https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Singal Door Refigretor chek up

    Singal Door Refigretor chek up

  • Ac repiar& Services
  • + Deep clean Ac (Service Windo)

    ₹498.00 /item

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New

    Frequently asked questions

    Will the Professional bring the toos Needed  for  Service?

    yes all the toos Requird  during the Process  will be brought in by the professional

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

     What is  During  the Servicing theProfessional finds out an Ishue in Ac ?

     In  Such cases.the Professional will Help you to book a Spair Parts  Ac Repair Service or will add it your exisiting Booking.

    Will the Professional chek Ac After Service?

    yes theProfessional will be chek for the Gas Leaks and Pressure cheak before Satarting  Service and for cooling and pipe leakes after Setrvice

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service or My Ac gets dameged During Process ?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   


  • + Deep Clean (Ac Service Split)

    ₹598.00 /item

    Deep Clean (Ac Service Split)

    Item total=649₹ 

              Item Discount = -₹100             

      Taxes and Fee  ₹49

     Grand Total  ₹598

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New

    Frequently asked questions

    Will the Professional bring the toos Needed  for  Service?

    yes all the toos Requird  during the Process  will be brought in by the professional

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

     What is  During  the Servicing theProfessional finds out an Ishue in Ac ?

     In  Such cases.the Professional will Help you to book a Spair Parts  Ac Repair Service or will add it your exisiting Booking.

    Will the Professional chek Ac After Service?

    yes theProfessional will be chek for the Gas Leaks and Pressure cheak before Satarting  Service and for cooling and pipe leakes after Setrvice

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service or My Ac gets dameged During Process ?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   


  • Repair
  • + Ac Repair (Less/ No cooling)

    ₹299.00 /item

    Ac  is not reaching desired temprature in  30-45 mins

  • + Ac Repair( power On Issue)

    ₹299.00 /item

    Ac  Not Geting Switched on DIsplay/ Remote Ishue

  • + Ac Repair( Unwanted noise/ Smell)

    ₹299.00 /item

               Disturbing  Noise  Foul/Suffocating Smell Wen The Ac is Swithed ON

  • + Ac Repair( Water Leakage )

    ₹299.00 /item

    Water Dripping from the unit, pipes and Outdoor Unit

  • Installation
  • + Split Ac ( install)

    ₹1588.00 /item

    Split Ac Installetion

    Item Total =1499

                                                         Tax and free =89

                                                         Grand total= 1588

    Deep clean Ac (Service of Windo Ac)

    Item total= ₹549

    Item Discount =-100

    Taxes and Fee  ₹49

    Grand Total  ₹498


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New


    Χ copper Wire & pipes Chaged As per Rate Card

    Χ Staderd & fastener ( for The fixing Stand) Masony/wood work  

    Χ Pope filling.

    Frequently asked questions

    Are consumables in the booking cost ?

    NO any consumables a part from the drill is to be provided by customers our Professional can procure the requid items for the additionl  cost (as per rate Card) withch will Reflect in  Your Invoice 

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

                How do  i cheak if  the Installation is done Properlly ?

     our Professional will be perfome  all the Necessary pressure/gas cheks after the service and get  them  coross -cheked by the Customer They will also Get  placement /alignment and cooling cheak with the customer

    Can the Professiona provide service other than bookd ones?

    you can  ask the Professional  to inspect and do other service our Professional will be help you booka  separate Ac Service or will wiil add it to your exisiting booking

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   

  • + Windo Ac (Installattion)

    ₹868.00 /item

             Windo Ac (Installattion)               

    Item Total = 799

    Tax=    69

    Grand Total= 868


     per- Servive chekes 

     comprehensive chekup ( Incuding Gas chek) identyfiy repairs

    From on powerjet cleaning

    Deep cleaning  of filters Indoor & Oudoor unit 2x Dust

    post Service Chekes

    cooling  Rate & device  Fuctionlity chek to Make your you Ac as good as New


    Χ copper Wire & pipes Chaged As per Rate Card

    Χ Staderd & fastener ( for The fixing Stand) Masony/wood work  

    Χ Pope filling.

    Frequently asked questions

    Are consumables in the booking cost ?

    NO any consumables a part from the drill is to be provided by customers our Professional can procure the requid items for the additionl  cost (as per rate Card) withch will Reflect in  Your Invoice 

     How i Know  whether genuine are the being used?

     We value  you Trust and hance we enshure that all Our Parts are aligned with high Quality Standerds

                How do  i cheak if  the Installation is done Properlly ?

     our Professional will be perfome  all the Necessary pressure/gas cheks after the service and get  them  coross -cheked by the Customer They will also Get  placement /alignment and cooling cheak with the customer

    Can the Professiona provide service other than bookd ones?

    you can  ask the Professional  to inspect and do other service our Professional will be help you booka  separate Ac Service or will wiil add it to your exisiting booking

    What happens if any issue occurs after the service?

    This service comes with a free 30-day Excalibur Solution warranty that covers any damage or malfunction of fittings/spare parts procured by Excalibur Solution for up to 10,000. Additionally, if you are not satisfied with the service, you can get a free service re-visit within 30 days. No questions asked.

                                                                                       ♣ ♣  ♣   

  • UnInstallation
  • + Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

    ₹448.00 /item

    Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

     payment Summary 

      Item Total 399

       Tax & fee = 49

        Grand Total-= 498

  • + Split Ac (Un- Installation)

    ₹698.00 /item

    Windo Ac ( UnInstallation)

     payment Summary 

      Item Total 649

       Tax & fee = 49

        Grand Total-= 698

  • Microwave Repair
  • + Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave (Eletrical Issue / Not Working )

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair (Not Working )

    Click here  https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave Repair (Not Shure of Isuue)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair( Noise issue)

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + Microwave Repair ( Not Heating )

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair ( Not Heating )

    Click here https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • + microwave repair ( Buttun Not Working)

    ₹219.00 /item

    Microwave Repair ( Buttun Not Working)

    Click here  https://excalibursolution.in/rate-card/

    payment Summary 

     Item  Total = 160

    Tax & fee=59

    Grand Total=219

    know more about Our repair process

       Microwave chekup

    Our professnals will vist your Home  and diagnose the Issue Final Repaier cost  will provided after  the chek up

     Adjustment  of  Inspection Fee

      Inspection fee 160 will be Futher  adjusted in your final bill value if  you choose to go ahead with repair  after diagnosis

     High Quilty Spair parts 

    we ensure the Best Quilty  Spair parts  are Used  to Repair to  your appliance .

     Stander Repair Process

    our professnals have Years of the Expriance acrosse  leading Barand and are Trained Excalibur Solution Company to ensure your appliance is handled with care it deserves

     Free Revisit 30 days warrenty

    Plaese Note 

     repair cost  will be Provided after diagnosis

                                    visit action chages will be addjested in the  repair cost

    We  do Not Repair OTG 

    We do Not Repair commercial  appliances


  • Refrigrator Repair
  • + Singal Door Refigretor chek up

    Singal Door Refigretor chek up

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Contact Information

  • Monday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
    • Tuesday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
      • Wednesday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
        • Thursday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
          • Friday:08:00 am to 06:00 pm
            • Saturday:Closed
            • Sunday:Closed
            a/p kalambi, Satara, Maharatara, India
            No data available.

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